Multiplex 10: The Animated Short
Multiplex 10: The Animated Short is an award-winning eleven-minute comedy centering on the movie-loving and customer-weary staff of the Multiplex 10 Cinemas. Kurt is an usher, pining for that special someone to share his love of horror movies. The newest hire, Jason, is a film snob who just needs a freakin’ job. Despite their differences, the pair will make fast friends — unless they kill each other first.
This trailer was released in October to build anticipation for the animated short, which was released on January 29, 2018. Multiplex 10 is an official selection of GeekFest’s Year Five program and has been selected and/or honored at several other festivals (a complete list of its honors can be found here). I executive produced, directed, edited, co-wrote, storyboarded, designed, and animated the short based on my long-running comic strip, Multiplex.
Animated in Animate CC and After Effects CC. Edited with Final Cut Pro X.